Founders - How to plan Mondays better?
A simple solution to the question - "How do I start my week?"

Monday mornings are energy givers. But most haven't figured their monday(s). If you a founder struggling with Monday blues - use this 👇🏼
First honest admission - Not everyone is good at sitting down on friday evening & planning for next week. And, that's okay. Start small - do a slightly early start to your monday - this week start with maybe 30 mins early? Cool? You can always eep improving this start time - extremely powerful.
Now what you do in those 30 mins?
I'm also going to give you a Google Sheet that I use. You can use that or feel free to use any task tracking tool that you are comfortable with. Tool hardly matters.
Shut down all you communication channels - Slack, Teams, WhatsApp and Email. Give 30 mins of power time to your weekly plan. Play nice music (lo-fi helps) in the background as you follow these steps.
Write down a list of things you have on your mind. Spend atleast 10 mins listing down pieces you need to do across execution, people, macro business strategy & others.
Ask which ones are needle moving for your business & which ones aren't. Next, categorise the ones that create high leverage, high impact for you as a founder.
Think of the best person who can pick those needle moving pieces. Do not pick the high leverage stuff just because you can. You want to build capability & not fire fighting that depends everyday on you.
Once you have delegated high leverage stuff, ensure you are speaking to the delegated person, ensure they understand why they are doing it - how/ what to do & how they ask for help. Also set what success looks like. I spoke about delegation here.
Take a look at rest of the list. You don't have to do all the items - you have to do what moves needle for the business & any people matters, period.
Pick less & pick stuff that drives outcomes. There is no reward for number of tasks you do in a week or how occupied you are. There is for outcomes.
Followups - This is critical. You can not just show up once a week to your delegated team member - that's not helpful for them to do a good job. You need to be available on a need basis & define office hours where they can reach you.
I'm also attaching a Google Sheet that helps me personally HERE. Being a founder is a high reward journey. Some simple structures can help you navigate it one week at a time. That’s all on planning monday mornings.
A key struggle of being a founder is to build the right growth team. You get one thing wrong and it screws up.
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